
Yorkshire | Fun Facts | Details | Information


Interesting Facts


Males: 8-9 inches (20-23 cm)
Females: 8-9 inches (20-23 cm)

Males: 7 pounds (3.2 kg)
Females: 7 pounds (3.2 kg)

Litter Size:
The average litter size is 3 puppies.

Yorkshire growth speed:
At birth, Yorkshire Terrier puppies weigh around 4 ounces (113 g). They grow very quickly and can reach their adult size by around 10 months of age.

The average lifespan of a Yorkshire Terrier is 12-15 years.

Bite Power:
The bite power of a Yorkshire Terrier is around 120 psi.

Yorkshire Terriers have a long, straight, and silky coat.

Yorkshire Terriers are typically black and tan, but can also be blue and tan, or gold and tan.

Yorkshire Terriers were originally bred in Yorkshire, England in the 19th century.

Other Names:

Teeth counts:
42 teeth

Yorkshire Terriers require regular grooming to maintain their long coat.

Yorkshire Terriers are known for their high-pitched barking.

Running Speed:
Running speed of around 15 mph (24 km/h).

Yorkshire Terriers should only be bred by experienced breeders who follow ethical breeding practices.

Gestation Period of female:
The gestation period for a female Yorkshire Terrier is around 63 days.

Yorkshire Terriers are a low-shedding breed.

Intelligence Level:
Yorkshire Terriers are considered to be a highly intelligent breed.

Yorkshire Terriers require daily exercise, such as a short walk or playtime in the yard.

The smallest dog ever recorded was a Yorkshire Terrier named Sylvia who weighed just 4 ounces (113 g).

The Yorkshire Terrier was originally bred in Yorkshire, England in the 19th century to catch rats in textile mills.

Yorkshire Terriers are small, lively, and affectionate dogs that make great companions.

Yorkshire Terriers are known for being confident, playful, and outgoing. They can be stubborn at times and may exhibit some territorial behavior.

The breed is popular in the
United States
United Kingdom

Yorkshire Terriers are known for their bold and confident temperament, as well as their affectionate and playful nature.

Common Disease:
Common health issues in Yorkshire Terriers include dental problems, hypoglycemia, and patellar luxation.

Training methods:
Training a Yorkshire Terrier requires patience and consistency. Positive reinforcement training is recommended, as they respond well to treats and praise.

Yorkshire Terriers should be fed a high-quality, age-appropriate diet. As puppies, they should be fed 3-4 small meals per day. As adults, they should be fed 2 small meals per day.

Good Traits:
Affectionate - Yorkshire Terriers are known for their loving and affectionate nature towards their owners.
Lively - They are a lively and energetic breed, making them great for active families.
Intelligent - Yorkshire Terriers are highly intelligent and can be trained to perform a variety of tasks.
Protective - They have a strong protective instinct towards their owners and can make good watchdogs.
Playful - Yorkshire Terriers are playful and love to engage in games and activities with their owners.

Bad Traits:
Stubborn - They can be stubborn at times, making training a challenge.
High maintenance - Their long coat requires regular grooming and maintenance.
Territorial - They can exhibit territorial behavior and may become aggressive towards strangers or other animals.
Barking - They are known for their high-pitched barking, which can be a nuisance to some.
Fragile - Their small size and delicate build make them more susceptible to injury and health problems.

Interesting Facts

Yorkie puppies are born with a black and tan coat.

They have small, delicate bodies and require careful handling.

Yorkie puppies can be prone to hypoglycemia and should be fed small, frequent meals.

They have a high-pitched bark that is characteristic of the breed.

Yorkie puppies are very playful and energetic.

They are a popular breed for apartment living due to their small size.

Yorkie puppies are known for their cute and adorable appearance.

They are a relatively low-shedding breed, making them a good choice for people with allergies.

Yorkie puppies are highly intelligent and can learn tricks and commands quickly.

Socialization is important for Yorkie puppies to prevent territorial behavior.

Yorkshire Terriers were first bred in the 19th century for catching rats in textile mills.

They are the 6th most popular toy breed in the United States.

Yorkshire Terriers have a bite force of around 120 pounds per square inch (psi).

They were originally known as "broken-haired Scotch Terriers."

Yorkies have a life expectancy of 12-15 years.

They have a keen sense of smell, which makes them good at tracking scents.

Yorkshire Terriers are the most popular breed in New York City.

They were originally bred from a mix of Scottish, English, and Australian Terriers.

Yorkies can be prone to dental problems, including tooth decay and gum disease.

They are the 7th most popular breed in Australia.

Yorkies are known for their small size, but they have a big personality.

They are often used in therapy work due to their affectionate nature.

Yorkshire Terriers are the 3rd most popular breed in the United Kingdom.

They have a strong prey drive and may chase after small animals.

Yorkies have a distinctive silky coat that requires regular grooming.

They are the 6th most popular breed in Canada.

Yorkies can be trained to compete in agility and obedience competitions.

They are a popular choice for celebrities, including Paris Hilton and Audrey Hepburn.

Yorkies are prone to hypoglycemia and should be monitored carefully.

They are a relatively low-shedding breed, making them a good choice. 
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