
Beagle Fun & Amazing Facts


Interesting Facts


33-41 cm (13-16 in)

9-11 kg (20-25 lb)

Litter Size:
6-8 puppies on average

Beagle baby size with their growth speed:
At birth, they weigh around 100-150g and grow rapidly in the first few weeks, gaining about 1-2 lbs per week.

12-15 years

Bite Power:
Not particularly strong, but can still cause harm if they bite.

Short-haired, dense and water-resistant

Tri-color (black, white, and tan), red and white, lemon and white, or chocolate and white.


Other Names:
English Beagle, simply Beagle

Teeth counts:

They only require minimal grooming, like weekly brushing and occasional bathing.

They are known for their loud and frequent barking.

They can run up to 20-25 mph (32-40 kph).

They are bred as hunting dogs, but also as pets.

Gestation Period of female:
63 days

They shed moderately throughout the year and heavily twice a year.

Intelligence Level:
They are considered to be intelligent dogs, but can be stubborn and difficult to train.

They need regular exercise and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and running.

The largest Beagle gathering was held in England in 2018, with over 1,000 Beagles in attendance.

Beagles were originally bred as hunting dogs in England in the 1300s. They were used to hunt small game like rabbits and hares, and were popular among the aristocracy.

Beagles are friendly, curious, and energetic dogs that make great family pets. They are also stubborn and require patience when training.

Beagles are pack animals and thrive in social environments. They are also known for their loud barking and love of food.

There are no exact numbers, but the Beagle is a popular breed in
United States
United Kingdom

Beagles are generally friendly and gentle, but can also be stubborn and independent. They require lots of attention and exercise to prevent destructive behavior.

Common Disease:
Beagles are prone to a variety of health issues, including hip dysplasia, ear infections, and epilepsy.

Training methods:
Beagles respond well to positive reinforcement training and require patience and consistency. They also benefit from socialization and early training.

Beagles require a balanced diet with high-quality protein and carbohydrates. As puppies, they should eat 3-4 small meals a day, while as adults, they can eat 1-2 meals a day, depending on their activity level and weight.

Good Traits
Friendly - Beagles are known for their friendly and social temperament, which makes them great family pets.
Curious - Beagles are very curious dogs and enjoy exploring their surroundings.
Loving - Beagles are generally very loving and affectionate dogs, forming strong bonds with their owners.
Adaptable - Beagles are very adaptable dogs and can adjust to a variety of living situations and environments.
Energetic - Beagles are very active dogs and require a lot of exercise to burn off their energy.

Bad traits:
Stubborn - Beagles can be stubborn and difficult to train, requiring patience and consistency.
Vocal - Beagles are very vocal dogs and can bark and howl excessively if not trained properly.
Prey-driven - Beagles have a high prey drive and may chase after small animals or objects.
Food-driven - Beagles are very food-driven dogs and may beg or steal food if not trained properly.
Destructive - Beagles can become destructive when left alone for long periods of time, making them unsuitable for some households.

Interesting Facts

Beagles are a small breed of hound dog.

They are known for their excellent sense of smell.

Beagles were originally bred for hunting rabbits and hares.

They are social dogs and enjoy being around people and other pets.

Beagle pups are born with floppy ears that eventually stand up.

Beagles have a distinctive howl that can be heard for long distances.

They are intelligent dogs and can be trained for a variety of tasks.

Beagles are prone to obesity, so they require regular exercise and a balanced diet.

They have a lifespan of 12-15 years on average.

Beagles make great family pets and are often used as therapy dogs.

Beagles are the 6th most popular dog breed in the United States.

The word "beagle" comes from the French word "begueule" which means "open throat".

Beagles have 220 million scent receptors, compared to humans who have only 5 million.

Beagles were used to hunt pheasants and partridges in the Middle Ages.

Snoopy, the famous cartoon character, is a Beagle.

Beagles have been used in scientific research to study human diseases.

Beagles have a success rate of up to 90% in detecting certain types of cancer.

The world's largest Beagle statue is located in Idaho, USA.

Beagles have been featured in movies such as "Underdog" and "Shiloh".

Beagles have a keen sense of direction and can find their way back home from long distances.

Beagles have a unique vocalization called a "bay".

Beagles were bred in England in the 1500s.

The American Kennel Club recognizes two types of Beagles: 13-inch and 15-inch.

Beagles have been used in airport security to detect contraband items.

Beagles are prone to developing glaucoma.

Beagles are one of the few breeds that have a white-tipped tail, which makes them easier to spot in the field.

Beagles are a member of the hound group of dogs.

Beagles are excellent swimmers and enjoy playing in water.

Beagles are pack animals and thrive in groups.

Beagles were used in the 1800s to hunt wild boar.

Beagles were the breed of choice for Queen Elizabeth I.

Beagles have a strong prey drive and should always be kept on a leash or in a secure area.

Beagles are prone to separation anxiety and may become destructive if left alone for long periods of time.

Beagles were bred to have short legs and a compact body to help them navigate through dense brush.

Beagles have been known to dig holes in the yard in search of small animals.

Beagles are often used in search and rescue operations.

Beagles are not good guard dogs and are friendly to strangers.

Beagles have a stubborn streak and can be difficult to train.

Beagles are prone to developing ear infections, so regular ear cleaning is important.

Beagles are often used as therapy dogs due to their friendly and gentle nature.

Beagles have a life expectancy of 12-15 years.

Beagles were used by the US government in the 1970s to sniff out illegal food imports.

Beagles are often used as scent detection dogs for law enforcement agencies.

Beagles have been used in the past to detect bed bugs in homes and hotels.

Beagles are known for their excellent tracking abilities and have been used in search and rescue missions for missing persons.

Beagles are social dogs and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

Beagles are prone to obesity and should have a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Beagles were first brought to North America in the early 1800s.

Beagles are a popular breed for hunting small game such as rabbits and squirrels.  

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