
The Enigmatic Uranus: Amazing Facts and Characteristics of Our Solar System's 7th Planet

Quick Facts

Interesting Facts

Quick Facts

1. Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun.

2. It is a gas giant, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.

3. Uranus has 27 known moons.

4. It has a diameter four times larger than Earth's.

5. It is the third largest planet in the solar system.

6. Uranus was discovered by William Herschel in 1781.

7. It is named after the Greek god of the sky.

8. Uranus rotates on its side, unlike any other planet.

9. It rotates in the opposite direction of its orbit.

10. Uranus has a faint ring system of 13 rings.

11. Its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane.

12. It has the coldest atmosphere of any planet.

13. Its average temperature is -197°C.

14. Uranus has a strong and tilted magnetic field.

15. It is sometimes referred to as an "ice giant".

16. It experiences extreme seasons, with each pole facing the sun for 21 Earth years.

17. It is one of the least explored planets in the solar system.

18. The first spacecraft to visit Uranus was Voyager 2 in 1986.

19. It has a distinctive blue-green color due to methane in its atmosphere.

20. Its name is not derived from Greek or Roman mythology.

21. Uranus has an axial tilt of 98 degrees.

22. Its day lasts 17.24 Earth hours.

23. It takes 84 Earth years to complete one orbit.

24. It is approximately 1.8 billion km from the Sun.

25. Its interior is believed to be a rocky core surrounded by water, methane, and ammonia ices.

26. Its atmosphere has three main layers, including a troposphere where weather occurs.

27. Uranus has weak weather patterns with occasional storms.

28. Its winds can reach speeds of 560 km/h.

29. It has a system of clouds less active than Jupiter or Saturn's.

30. Its rings are made of dark, dusty particles.

31. Its rings are relatively young, only a few million years old.

32. Its magnetic field is weak and irregular.

33. The magnetic field is generated by conductive fluids in its interior.

34. It has two sets of magnetic poles, one aligned with its axis and one tilted at a large angle.

35. Its magnetic field is not centered on its rotational axis.

36. Its ring system consists of 9 main rings.

37. Its ring particles are made of water ice and other materials.

38. Its moons are thought to have formed from the same material as its rings.

39. Uranus has a small and weak planetary magnetic field.

40. Its core is believed to be made of rock and metal.

Interesting Facts

41. The exact composition of its atmosphere is still not fully understood.

42. Its atmosphere is less dense than those of Saturn and Jupiter.

43. Uranus has the most tilt of any planet, making it appear to roll rather than rotate.

44. Its unique rotational tilt causes its poles to receive very little sunlight.

45. The south pole of Uranus was only recently discovered to be much brighter than its north pole.

46. Uranus is not visible to the naked eye and requires a telescope to be seen.

47. It emits more heat than it receives from the Sun.

48. It is believed to have formed 4.5 billion years ago.

49. Uranus has a unique rotation, as it rotates on its side with its axis tilted at an angle of almost 98 degrees relative to its orbit.

50. Uranus has a much longer day than a year, with a day lasting 17 hours and a year lasting 84 Earth years.

51. Uranus has a very weak, poorly understood atmosphere, with a temperature that decreases with increasing altitude.

52. The upper atmosphere of Uranus is dominated by hydrogen and helium, with smaller amounts of methane, ammonia, and water vapor.

53. The interior of Uranus is believed to be composed of a rocky core, surrounded by a layer of ice and gas.

54. Uranus is believed to have a layered structure, with a rocky core, a mantle of ice, and an outer atmosphere.

55. The exact structure and composition of Uranus' interior is not well understood and more data is needed to fully understand its properties.

What is Uranus made of?

Uranus is composed primarily of hydrogen, helium, and methane.

How many moons does Uranus have?

Uranus has 27 moons.

Is Uranus a gas giant or a rocky planet?

Uranus is a gas giant planet.

What is the diameter of Uranus?

Uranus has a diameter of approximately 50,724 kilometers.

How long is a day on Uranus?

A day on Uranus lasts 17 hours and 14 minutes.

What is the temperature on Uranus?

The average temperature on Uranus is about -224 degrees Celsius.

What is the atmosphere of Uranus like?

The atmosphere of Uranus is composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, and methane. It also has clouds of ammonia and methane, which give the planet its blue-green color.

How far is Uranus from the Sun?

Uranus is about 2.9 billion kilometers from the Sun.

What is the orbit of Uranus like?

Uranus takes 84.01 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

Has Uranus been explored by spacecraft?

No spacecraft has ever visited Uranus. The only close flyby of Uranus was by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1986.

What is the largest moon of Uranus?

The largest moon of Uranus is Titania, which is about 1,600 kilometers in diameter.


How was the name Uranus chosen?

The name Uranus was suggested by Johann Bode, a German astronomer, in the late 18th century. The name comes from the Greek god of the sky, Uranus.

Names and Sizes of every moon of Uranus?

Uranus has 27 moons, the following are their names and sizes (diameters in kilometers):

  1. Miranda - 472 x 462 x 462 km
  2. Ariel - 1,158 km
  3. Umbriel - 1,169 km
  4. Titania - 1,569 km
  5. Oberon - 1,523 km
  6. Cordelia - 47 km
  7. Ophelia - 54 km
  8. Bianca - 88 km
  9. Cressida - 106 km
  10. Desdemona - 89 km
  11. Juliet - 126 km
  12. Portia - 139 km
  13. Rosalind - 96 km
  14. Cupid - 60 km
  15. Belinda - 109 km
  16. Puck - 170 km
  17. Caliban - 99 km
  18. Stephano - 85 km
  19. Trinculo - 77 km
  20. Francisco - 54 km
  21. Margaret - 58 km
  22. Ferdinand - 73 km
  23. Perdita - 43 km
  24. Mab - 32 km
  25. Cupid - 32 km
  26. Paris - 35 km
  27. Oberon B - 20 km

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