
Amazing and Fun fatcs About Cats

Amazing facts about cats by factswiki.org

Quick Facts

Interesting Facts

Quick Facts

1. Cats have a lifespan of 10-12 years.

2. Cats use their whiskers to sense their surroundings.

3. Cats have a Four-Limbed System: Legs, Tail, Body and Head.

4. Cats have a hearing range of 15-30 dB.

5. Cats have retractable claws.

6. Cats have a layer of fat under their skin to keep them warm.

7. Cats have a flexible spine that allows them to twist and turn.

8. Cats purr to communicate their feelings.

9. Cats have a single litter box and usually have four to six kittens.

10. Cats were originally from Africa.

11. Cats are the world’s second most popular pet, after dogs.

12. A cat lifetime average lifespan is twelve years.

13. A cat diet consists mainly of meat, water, and fresh food.

14. A cat fur is very soft and silky.

15. A cat eyesight is better than a human.

16. A cat can see in the dark.

17. A cat’s hearing is better than a human.

18. There are about 100 million cats in the world.

19. Cats are carnivores.

20. Cats have a four-chamber heart.

21. Cats have a brain the size of a small dog.

22. Cats front paws are much larger than their back paws.

23. Cats can jump up to 18 inches high.

24. Cats have hunting and scavenging instincts that help them survive in the wild.

25. Cats have six senses that are more developed than those of humans.

26. Kittens are born blind and deaf, and they undergo a period of helplessness and dependence.

27. Cats are able to move their ears and tails, and they have a grooming instinct.

28. Cats have a strong sense of smell, which helps them locate food and enemies.

29. Cats have a strong sense of hearing, which helps them locate prey and enemies.

30. Cats have a strong sense of taste, which helps them locate food and enemies.

31. Cats have a soft fur that helps them survive in cold climates.

Interesting Facts

32. Did you know that cats have thirty two muscles in each ear? This allows them to rotate their ears independently 180 degrees and listen for sounds up to two octaves higher than humans can hear!

33. Cats also have excellent night vision and can see at one-sixth the light level required for human vision. In fact, cats have twice as many rods in their retinae as humans which makes them better at seeing in low light but not as good at seeing color.

34. Cats have a third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, which is a thin layer of tissue that closes across the eye from the inner corner when the cat is tired or sleepy. The third eyelid is also sometimes visible when a cat is sick or in pain.

35. Cats have whiskers on their face, which are actually highly sensitive hairs called vibrissae.
The whiskers help cats gauge the width of spaces so they can determine if they can fit through. Whiskers also help cats to see in dark or night.


Cats are desert-dwellers so they hate water. This happens because of their natural aversion to water.
There are a variety of reasons why cats may hate water. For one, they simply don't like the sensation of being wet. It's also possible that they associate water with unpleasant experiences, such as being bathed or getting caught in the rain. Additionally, some cats may be afraid of deep water or of moving water, such as in a pool or waterfall. 


There's no simple answer to this question since it largely depends on how you define "smart." Some people might say that cats are smarter than dogs because they're more independent and less needy. Others might say that dogs are smarter than cats because they're trainable and better at following commands. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to decide which animal they think is smarter.


There's a common misconception that cats are colorblind, but that's not actually the case. Cats can see colors, but their color vision isn't as strong as ours. They're most sensitive to blue and green, and they have trouble distinguishing between red and yellow.


There are a variety of reasons why cats sleep so much. One reason is that they are predators and need to conserve their energy. When they are not hunting or playing, they sleep. Cats also sleep more when they are kittens because they are growing and need the extra rest.


A cat's purr is a sign of contentment and happiness. When a cat purrs, it is often a sign that they are happy and content with their current situation. Cats typically purr when they are being petted or when they are relaxing in their favourite spot. Purring is also a way for cats to communicate.


There are a few different reasons why cats wag their tails, and it all depends on the context. If your cat is wagging its tail while it's eating, it's probably just happy and content. However, if your cat is wagging its tail while it's looking at you, it could be interpreted as a sign of affection. And finally, if your cat is wagging its tail while it's stalking something, it's definitely getting ready to pounce!


Cats have much better night vision than humans. They can see in about one-sixth the amount of light that we need to see. This is because their eyes have a lot more rods than our eyes. Rods are responsible for black and white vision and they work well in low light conditions.


Yes, cats can eat strawberries! Just like their human counterparts, cats love the taste of sweet, juicy strawberries. In fact, many cats will even go out of their way to snatch a strawberry off of a plate or table. However, before you start sharing your strawberries with your feline friend, there are a few things you should know.
While strawberries are safe for cats to eat, they should be given in moderation. Too many strawberries can cause an upset stomach in cats, so it's best to give them only a few at a time.


Most cats don't like water and will avoid it if they can. However, some cats enjoy swimming and will even go in the water on their own.
Cats are good swimmers because they have a natural instinct to paddle with their front legs and use their back legs to propel themselves forward. They also have a thick coat of fur that helps keep them warm in the water.


There is some debate over whether or not cat bites are dangerous. Some people believe that they are not dangerous because cats are small and their teeth are not as sharp as those of other animals. However, others believe that cat bites can be dangerous because of the bacteria that can be present in a cat's mouth.
It is important to clean any wound that a cat bite causes. This is because there is a risk of infection. The bacteria present in a cat's mouth can cause an infection if it gets into the wound. It is also important to see a doctor if the wound does not heal properly or if it becomes red, swollen, or painful.

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