
50 Facts about Pisces Zodiac sign

Facts about Pisces


Pisces Month: 
Feb 19- Mar 20

Pisces Element:

Pisces Lucky numbers: 
2, 4, 5, 8, 11, 24, 32

Pisces Ruling Planet: 

Pisces Love Planet: 

Pisces Money Planet: 

● The intuitive and emotional faculties of the Pisces are the most highly developed.

● When in love, Pisces will be romantic.

● A typical Piscean is a firm believer of things, events and happenings.

● When in love, Pisces aim to please their lover.

● Pisces feel like fish in an infinite ocean of thought and feeling.

● Many Pisces learn new things very quickly because of their excellent memory.

● Pisces has fantastic imaginations.

● Pisces tend to worry quite a lot about insignificant matters.

● When in relationship, Pisces expect to be told frequently 'I love you'.

● Pisces are selfless and unworldly.

● Pisces are passive, dreaming, idealistic, inspiring, acceptable, fair, charitable, soulful, self sacrificing, artistic, god fearing and assisting individual.

● Pisces women are always generous and free when it comes to careful spending.

● In relationship, Don't poke fun or tease Pisces.

● Pisces woman can't stand rejection.

● In relationship, Pisces woman needs patience and you have to be gentle with her.

● At work, Pisces need to be liked by all their colleagues and superiors.

● Pisces tend to be generous and perhaps overly charitable.

● Pisces absolutely love to talk about their deepest feelings with their partners. 

● Pisces man lives in the world of dreams and he needs a woman to keep him grounded.

● In general Pisces like to go with the flow of events.

● Piscean woman can help others by listening to their problems.

● False fantasies and useless imaginations can harm Piscean men's life to the maximum.

● Pisces have an intuitive and psychic ability more then any other zodiac signs.

● Pisces are secretive and vague.

● Making others feel good in turn makes Pisces feel good.

● Pisces like to be connected with big organizations that are doing things in a big way.

● Piscean woman is a very careful investor who is always ready to put her money into those plans that bring her plenty of returns.

● When Pisces are independent and inspired by life's events, their creativity comes shining through.

● At such times, argument and advice are useless for Pisces.

● Piscean men can fail utterly in their personal relationship with women because of their over-zealousness and urgency.

● Pisces trust their gut feelings and if they do not.

● Pisces women are very captivating and fascinating.

● Pisces are unable to be on their own for long before they start dreaming in their imaginary world of happy people and happy endings.

● Pisces woman is charming, soft and feminine.

● In sex life, Sex with Pisces is an emotional and physical experience, and if you allow it, it will be a spiritual experience as well.

● Piscean woman can relate very well other signs like Cancer and Scorpio because they are water signs. 

● Pisces tend to think more with their heart than with pure logic.

● When in relationship, Pisces expect to enjoy nature such as picnics, and visits to the beach with the loved one.

● Pisces are intensely loyal and home-loving and will remain faithful.

● Piscean woman would like to swim and explore the depths of ocean with all seriousness.

● They are good, sensitive people who need and like to give love and affection.

● Pisces should be more careful with their finances.

● Pisces are weak-willed and easily led.

● Pisces male is the ideal zodiac sign for the woman who complains that men are not sensitive enough, this man is.

● Worry, anxiety, and diseased imagination are the most formidable faults of this sign.

● The Pisces character likes to know where they stand with others.

● Pisces Weakness Keywords : Oversensitive, Indecisive, Self-pitying, Lazy, Escapist.

● Pisces will take a friend's problem and make it their own and suffer with them.

● When in relationship, Pisces expect to fantasize with the lover about their future together.

● The Pisces-Virgo combination can settle down after some initial hiccups.

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