
Capricorn Zodiac | Interesting Facts | Information |

Factswiki.org Capricorn facts

1. Capricorn Month

     (Dec 22- Jan 19)

2. Capricorn Element:


3. Capricorn Ruling Planet:


4. It is true that Capricorns like to take into account the negative side of things.

5. Just like a mountain goat, a typical Capricorn is tough and agile who can climb upwards to reach the tallest pinnacle with relative ease.

6. In sex life, Capricorns have stamina, lots of it.

7. To attract Capricorn, Talk about anything but do not pry into their emotions.

8. In love, Capricorn will love and adore people who help and assist them in the times of difficulty.

9. Capricorn women possess great ambition and burning desire to achieve the impossible things in life.

10. Capricorn can face any odds and difficulties of life to emerge as extremely successful.

11. Short bursts of hectic activities are Capricorn strengths and they are extremely patient enough while working on the goals.

12. In relationship, Capricorns like gifts, not gaudy and expensive but practical and useful.

13. Because of Capricorns' organizing ability they are able to work on several projects simultaneously.

14. Capricorns are not quick to anger, but when their rights are meddled with they can be passionate and cruel in their denunciations.

15. Capricorns are practical and prudent.

16. Capricorns have excellent sense of time and manage it very well, they are excellent organizers.

17. Usually all Capricorns need is a little encouragement to get them going and moving forward.

18. Capricorns are mean-minded, stubborn, ignorant, miserly, pushful, unhappy, boring, active, meddlesome, obliging, humorous, witty, affable, prudent, firm.

19. Capricorns are very self contained and they have many faces they present to the world. 

20. Capricorns are magnetic, and draw people to them by the working of a natural law.

21. Capricorns are not as cold as they seem, this might be apparent just because Capricorns like to do everything themselves this way there is no worry about something not finished or not done properly.

22. If necessary, Capricorns must be ready to change with the times, to discard old methods that no longer work.

23. Capricorns prefer partners who are nurturers, and they in turn like to nurture their partners.

24. Work is very important for a Capricorn man and they will perform their duties to the best of their abilities.

25. Most Capricorn men would love to face the challenges head on and they tend to take every problem very seriously.

26. It takes time for a Capricorn - male or female - to fall in love.

27. Capricorns are ambitious hard workers who are not afraid of putting in the required time and effort.

28. On the negative side, Capricorn people could be extremely rigid, suspicious, status demanding, quite insensitive, inhibited and brooding in nature.

29. Capricorns do not like to reveal their innermost thoughts.

30. Capricorns are loners but they also need to feel appreciated, but they are excellent at hiding this truth. 

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